Florida Association of Critical Care Transport Specialists

Who Are We?

Florida Association of Critical Care Transport Specialists (FACTS) is a professional organization whose goal is to provide a mechanism for the expression of common concerns among the providers of aeromedical care and specialty transport systems (neonatal, pediatric, and adult critical care mobile units) in the state of Florida.

Our Mission:

  1. To promote safety in the industry through the exchange of ideas, standards, cooperation, and mutual aid.
  2. To provide a mechanism of networking between the providers in Florida.
  3. To establish minimum acceptable standards of service common to public and private sectors in ground, rotor and fixed-wing categories, and critical care units for specialized transport systems.
  4. To provide one voice in representing Florida Association of Critical Care Specialists (FACTS)  interest and concerns to organizations, agencies, and legislators in the state of Florida on issues affecting patient transport by air, and other special transport systems.
  5. Provide a clearing house for the dissemination of information relating to:
    1.  Safety
    2. Program News
    3. Legislative Issues
    4. Changes in Standards
    5. Education Opportunities
    6. Grant Availabilities
    7. Equipment and Technological Advances

Elevate our profession.